Michael Troina on The Most Common Marketing Analytics Mistakes | New York, New York

Michael Troina
2 min readJun 2, 2021

Analytics are crucial in making sure that marketing campaigns go smoothly. However, it’s easy for seasoned marketers to make mistakes that affect the data they are getting or the data they have already received. This can cause marketing campaigns to go horribly wrong.

Fortunately, you can listen and learn about what mistakes you shouldn’t be making when dealing with marketing analytics. By learning from the mistakes of others, you’ll be on your way to being a seasoned marketer. Make sure you don’t make any of these mistakes when dealing with marketing analytics.

Single Data Set

When doing analytics for a marketing campaign, paid surveys are among the many options to collect data. One might feel like they have enough data once they’ve gone through a single round of surveys, but a single set of data can prove not enough when trying to plan out a marketing campaign. This is because the answers received can heavily slant in one direction through various metrics such as age, location, website, and more. Multiple surveys will help to balance any of these errors out.

By gathering multiple data sets, a marketing analyst can be more assured that they’re getting the bigger picture of how successful a marketing campaign could be. If there are concerns about data collection methods, consider working with a company that deals specifically with gathering this type of information. Ensuring that multiple data sets are available is essential when doing marketing analytics.


When gathering data for marketing analytics, there are typically two tasks to do. The first task is making sure that all of the data possible to help craft a marketing campaign has been collected. Most importantly, one must conclude what your data means. This could mean all types of things, depending on what the marketing campaign is for.

For example, you might be responsible for launching a marketing campaign for a children’s toy. This means that you will have to create marketing materials for children and find out how children react to them. Finally, you’ll also have to find data on how likely children (or their parents) are to purchase that product, making your marketing campaign successful. It’s essential to understand the end goal for marketing analytics and when that conclusion has been reached.

Article originally published on MichaelTroina.net



Michael Troina

Michael Troina, based in NYC, is a professional in data analytics with a passion for marketing and leadership culture. Check out MichaelTroina.org for more.