Meet Michael Troina
Proudly based in New York City, Michael Troina is fascinated by data and analytics. His educational career began at the City University of New York, Queens College where he earned a BA in Economics. His quest for knowledge led him to further pursue a Masters degree in Data Analytics from the University of California, Irvine.
His passion for data analysis stems from his love for marketing. It’s fascinating to try understanding why people find certain brands attractive and interesting and why are we not drawn to others? He also studies human behavior and the way we market ourselves, especially on social media.
Michael Troina is a self-taught expert with Google Analytics from his time spent working on his own YouTube projects. This is also where Michael was first introduced to the concept of building and maintaining a target audience and how to establish demographic-based branding. While still studying economics in college, Michael began getting more interested in the aspects of human behavior and the factors that go into people making decisions.
In his spare time, Michael Troina loves gaming and the code that goes into creating gaming systems. He maintains a successful gaming review site where he happily explores his algorithms.